A concise definition of digital transformation

In this one minute vlog Carl explains his concise definition of digital transformation.

At the heart of every system within an organisation is one or more information pipelines that are an alignment of information technology platforms, business processes, and the people who are your teams, executives, customers, etc.

Digital transformation is the work of uplifting and transforming the information pipelines of your organisation.

This definition explains why digital transformation is about much more than technology.

I explain more in this vlog  that I recorded while on a walk near Mt Zero in the Grampians National Park, Victoria.

Vlog Script: Digital transformation explainer

What is digital transformation?

Well, it’s a pretty simple thing, really.

All it’s talking about is how we uplift, improve the maturity of how you manage information within your organization.

You see any organization of people manages information through a series of pipelines, because that’s what contains the information.

It’s the pipeline of information, from your customer orders, through to the production processes, executive reporting, whatever happens to be.

All of that information is maintained within a system, and that system operates processes, and the people operate both the systems and the process.

The construct of platform, process and people is the thing that creates and maintains the information pipeline that creates the value of your organization.

So digital transformation is simply the process of maintaining that pipeline, and uplifting its maturity as the digital technology gets better.

That’s it.

That’s all it is.


Picture of Carl from AGContext

Carl from AGContext

Carl is a seasoned leader in business analysis and digital transformation. With over two decades of expertise and advanced certifications, he drives value creation that balances profit, people, and the planet. Anchored by a lifelong commitment to addressing the climate crisis, Carl empowers leaders to champion purpose-driven digital transformation, fostering stronger communities, nurturing sustainability, and building a thriving future for all generations.

Carl from AGContext

Carl is a seasoned leader in business analysis and digital transformation. With over two decades of expertise and advanced certifications, he drives value creation that balances profit, people, and the planet. Anchored by a lifelong commitment to addressing the climate crisis, Carl empowers leaders to champion purpose-driven digital transformation, fostering stronger communities, nurturing sustainability, and building a thriving future for all generations.
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