Digital Transformation Masterclass

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Revolutionise Your Business With Digital Transformation
– Platforms, Process and People aligned with Purpose –
The Digital Transformation Masterclass Empowers You To:
✅ Gain a true understanding of Digital Transformation, tipping the odds of success in your favour.
✅ Maximise your business’s technology investment by navigating the Digital Transformation Journey.
✅ Develop a customized and coordinated Transformation Strategy for your business.
Is the Masterclass for You?
This Masterclass is for next-generation executive leaders in corporate, government, and non-profit sectors who want to understand Digital Transformation and its crucial role in running a successful enterprise.
It’s beneficial for those who:
- Struggle with being reactive to everyday business issues.
- Feel hindered by outdated technology.
- Have employees disconnected from the company’s vision and strategy.
Masterclass Outline
The Digital Transformation Masterclass has three lessons.
Lesson One: The Understanding
This lesson will explain what digital transformation is all about. It’s not what you think!
- The benefits and importance of digital transformation.
- The reasons behind the failure of 70% of digital transformation initiatives.
- The Iron Triangle of Transformation will be introduced, composed of Platforms, Processes, People, and Purpose.
Lesson Two: The Journey
Lesson two teaches about the Journey of Digital Transformation and managing risk and delivery of initiatives.
- The importance of recognising the bigger picture of Digital Transformation and its critical role in solving Climate Change.
- Learn about the Tree of Transformation Framework, that defines strategy, scope and delivery of your transformation.
- The Seven Steps of the Transformation Journey explain how to reliably achieve 10x outcomes in digital transformation initiatives.
Lesson 3: The Strategy
The final lesson provides tools for a clear digital transformation strategy.
- Strategy Canvas is key for navigating the journey and aligning platforms, processes and people.
- The Canvas will be available for immediate download and use when you sign up for the Masterclass.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the accreditations or licenses of the instructor?
Your instructor, Carl, is an IIBA Certified Business Analyst Professional [CBAP] with over 20 years of experience helping diversified businesses with their Digital Transformation Strategies. Carl is the Executive Director and Company Secretary of the IIBA Australia Chapter, and his work resulted in the International Chapter of the Year Award in 2022.
What format does the Masterclass take?
The Masterclass is in the form of recorded video lessons. After purchasing, you will receive lifetime access to the content, future updates, and additional relevant lessons.
How will I engage with the instructors?
By purchasing the course, you will gain access to the AGContext Enlighten Online Forum, where you can raise your doubts and queries, which Carl and his team will answer. You will also receive peer support from your fellow next-generation executive leaders as part of the course.
What is the duration of the course?
We have 2 hours of video content in this Masterclass. A one-time purchase for the same will give you lifetime access to it, along with any new content and updates to the course in the future.
What is the length of each lesson?
Lessons comprise slide decks with an explainer video ranging between 15 to 20 minutes.
When does the Masterclass launch?
You can sign up for lifetime access to the masterclass now.
Individual lessons will be released once complete. All three lessons will be available by 30th November 2023.
What is your refund policy?
We’re giving a 100% money-back guarantee within 28 days.