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25 results found
Purpose-Driven Digital Transformation empowers organizations to align technology with creating value for people and planet beyond profits.
- Digital Transformation, Purpose-Driven
Understanding the information pipelines of your organisation is the backbone of digital transformation, innovation, and purpose-driven success.
- Digital Transformation, Information Flow
Discover how to tackle 2025’s top business challenge—digital transformation—with purpose, innovation, and a focus on lasting impact.
- Leadership
It's time to move beyond the flawed rationale of market competition as the pathway to the collective wellbeing of our society.
- Leadership
Digital transformation success depends on well-informed decisions, shaped not by free will alone but by the information we choose to believe and trust.
- Leadership
Learn to craft a meaningful project purpose statement to guide your digital initiatives into enduring innovation.
- Digital Transformation, Planning
No more transition states in your digital transformation planning! Use rolling horizons for a future-proof strategy to thrive in today’s fast-changing world.
- Planning
Planning is a cornerstone of digital transformation. It is an active, evolving process that turns strategic vision into working systems.
- Featured, Planning
The Tree of Organisations is a transformative blueprint for building systematic, enduring and purposeful ways of working.
- Digital Transformation, Featured, Frameworks, Tree of Organisations
The Journey of Digital Transformation bridges strategy and execution to deliver enduring and shared value for your organisation.
- Digital Transformation, Featured, Journey of Dx
Discover the story behind AGContext, a purpose-driven business leading the charge in transforming organizations to tackle the climate crisis and build a sustainable future.
- AGContext
Purpose-driven business is an emerging new way of thinking about how our organizations work. It places a focus on creating a positive impact, above and beyond creating profit for shareholders.
- Purpose-Driven
AGContext Enlighten is an online learning platform for Digital Transformation. This blog explains the purpose of the platform and what you can expect now and in the future.
- AGContext, Enlighten
Avoid these common traps of software evaluation and save yourself from costly workarounds and lost opportunity.
- Digital Transformation, Planning
The AGContext software selection method is a reliable and repeatable process for choosing software for your business.
- Digital Transformation, Planning
Digital transformation requires people to see beyond the short-term profit metrics. It requires leadership without the profit motive.
- Purpose-Driven
If profit is the primary purpose of a digital transformation initiative, it is unlikely to also deliver benefits for employees, society or the environment.
- Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is all about getting the most out of your business technology and empowering your customers and employees. But exactly, what is digital transformation?
- Digital Transformation
Leading sustainable change is a critical skill for today’s executive leaders. These skill will you towards sustainable change.
- Leadership, Sustainability
Sustainability transformation describes a journey of change, but why and to where? How is this term defined?
- Sustainability
Digital transformation is a commonly used phrase that is not clearly defined or understood. This blog reveals a new and simple definition by changing the perspective of how organisations create value.
- Digital Transformation, Information Flow
Information flow is essential for the functioning and adaptation of all organisations. It involves the input, processing, and output of information, feedback, and interactions between system components and hierarchy. Understanding information flow is the bedrock of success in Digital Transformation.
- Information Flow
Is digital transformation just a buzzword that tech companies use to sell their latest products and services? Let’s see what some of the biggest players in the game have to say about it.
- Digital Transformation
The Triangle of Digital Transformation is crucial for success in any project because information flows within a triangle of Platforms, Processes and People aligned with a Purpose.
- Digital Transformation, Frameworks
This robust digital transformation framework can drive your success by aligning people, platforms, and processes with purpose for enduring and shared outcomes.
- Digital Transformation, Frameworks
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