The Any Given Context Blog

by Carl from AGContext

Information flow is essential for the functioning and adaptation of all organisations. It involves the input, processing, and output of information, feedback, and interactions between system components and hierarchy. Understanding information flow is the bedrock of success in Digital Transformation.
Is digital transformation just a buzzword that tech companies use to sell their latest products and services? Let’s see what some of the biggest players in the game have to say about it.
The Triangle of Digital Transformation is crucial for success in any project because information flows within a triangle of Platforms, Processes and People aligned with a Purpose.
This robust digital transformation framework can drive your success by aligning people, platforms, and processes with purpose for enduring and shared outcomes.

All opinions expressed in articles on this blog are those of the article author as of the publication date. The views do not reflect or represent the views of AGContext employers, clients, associated organizations, or employees.

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